Current Projects


The Foundation, in partnership with the LeYa editorial group, is re-editing the book Elements of Strategy, by Lieutenant General Abel Cabral Couto. The work, soon published in two volumes, was first published in 1988. The autor is the most important post-colonial era Strategy teacher in Portugal and his book is considered a classic in this area of education. This book is certainly the most important reference of the theoretical Strategy in the last quarter of the 20th century in Portuguese language.This editon has a preface by Cathedratic Professor Nuno Severiano Teixeira, Former Director of National Defense Institute (1996-2000), Former Minister of Internal Affairs (2000-2002), Former Minister of National Defense (2006-2009), Former Vice Rector of NOVA University Lisbon (2013-2017) and current Director of the Portuguese Institute of International Relations (IPRI), and also with a preface of the current Chief of General Staff of the Portuguese Armed Forces, Admiral António Silva Ribeiro.

 Livro 2

The President of the Foundation was part of the organization/Scientific Committee of the academic publication Developments and Advances in Defence and Security published by Springer and edited by Álvaro Rocha of the University of Coimbra and Teresa Guarda of Escuela Politécnica del Ejército del Ecuador.

FaLang translation system by Faboba