Foundation Aims

The Foundation’s aims are to support military higher education and scientific military research. To this end it proposes to develop the following activities

  1. Elaborate, execute and finance, by itself or in collaboration with other bodies, national or foreign, studies and projects related to military higher education and military sciences / defence sciences / war studies;
  2. Promote cooperation between the Military University Institute and other military institutes or higher education establishments, national or foreign, in teaching, research, community support, cooperation and exchange in the field of military sciences / defence sciences / war studies and others of national security and defence interest;
  3. Offer grants, prizes, scholarships and sponsor candidates for competitions designed to encourage training officers of the Portuguese Armed Forces and research in the area of military sciences / defence sciences / war studies;
  4. Organise or take part in activities that are intended to disseminate scientific knowledge and military history including, among others, conferences, socio-professional congresses, colloquia, exhibitions and military tourism;
  5. Manage properties and provide accommodation services to students, professors and researchers;
  6. Establishment, administration and publication of editorial activities.


FaLang translation system by Faboba

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